Monday, August 10, 2009

The End of the Beginning

Hey Everyone! We are about to disembark from Chicago but wanted to provide a quick update. We are so grateful, not to mention floored, by the amazing and warm reception generated by the article in the Register. We cannot thank you enough for your support and kind words of encouragement. Some have suggested we create a PayPal account for donations, so we have done so and it can be found under my name: Rebecca Marshburn, at PayPal. That being said, your well wishes go further than any of you can imagine and that is all we need.

Location: Chicago, Illinois

As we leave Chicago (housed graciously by Kevin's family), we want you to know what we are planning on doing for our act of kindness in this awesome city. Alex has been pursuing a number of Chicago Housing Authority managers of projects for those of low-income families and Veterans. We are in contact with a few and plan on paying for a month's rent for some truly in-need families as the school year begins. Hopefully this will allow a family to buy new shoes or backpacks for school, or just spend some time together doing something they otherwise would not be able to afford.

As always, your comments, suggestions, and advice are gratefully accepted and eagerly anticipated. Until we meet again!