Welcome, Bienvenidos, Bienvenue to Roadside Assistance, a blog to chronicle random acts of kindness performed throughout the greater contiguous United States on a three week roadtrip from the East to the West. We have a thousand dollars and 20 days to wreak havoc on happiness. If you know of any causes that require attention, please feel free to offer up suggestions. Orphanages, libraries, homelessness, you name it, we'll consider it.
First act: July 17, 2009
Location: Allston, Massachusetts. If Boston were a royal city, Allston would be its jester.
I worked at a preschool called the Baldwin Early Learning Center my junior and senior year of college. Many underprivileged families make up the Baldwin community and the first act of assistance was used here, in my hometown of the last four years. Two Honduran girls, both from the same family in the class I taught in (Room 105!), got YMCA scholarships to ensure continued opportunities for them to be exposed to their peers and friends, as well as maintain their english language skills, over the summer.